Discipline Policy
Discipline Policy
At Victoria Park, we believe that good discipline is to the advantage of pupils, parents, teachers and the local community.
It is only within a pleasant, disciplined atmosphere that we can facilitate the effective delivery of the curriculum and children will be able to learn in a safe and ordered environment.
Discipline is viewed as the collective responsibility of staff, parents and pupils.
Pupils Code of Conduct
Pupils are expected to: -
- Arrive in school for 8.55a.m.
- Wear the school uniform
- Take care of school buildings and equipment
- On returning to school after an absence, bring a note
- Keep jewellery to a minimum. Only one pair of stud-type earrings is permitted along with a ring and a watch.
- Change into suitable clothing for P.E. NO FOOTBALL CLOTHING TO BE WORN.
- Set a good example to other children.
- Be thoughtful and caring towards others.
- Keep the school tidy and free from litter.
- Do your work to the best of your ability.
- Play safely.
- Tell a member of staff if someone is annoying you. Do not hit back
- Be careful not to use bad language.
- Walk quietly around the school.
- Eat a suitable snack at break time. Try to eat healthily and avoid sweets.
- No cans, glass bottles or fizzy drinks to be brought into school.
- Chewing gum is forbidden on the premises.
- During lunchtime, remain in your seat and do not run around the room.
- Do not enter the school during break or lunch without permission.
- Occupy yourself during wet breaks and lunches with reading, or small games.
- Mobile phones must be switched off during the school day.
All our school roles are based on your child's right to learn in a
safe environment and on the teacher's freedom to teach.
As always, we will work in close partnership with
you to ensure a high standard of discipline.
The Home-School Partnership
All children need a positive and supportive relationship between home and school to enhance their attitude, behaviour and motivation. In order to achieve this, parents need to be informed and involved.
Your child has only one school career, and for this to be the best that can be achieved,
the home-School partnership must be seen as a real and lively relationship promoting
highest expectations between school, parents and pupils.
Positive Behaviour & Rewards
Various reward systems run in Victoria Park. These include pupil of the week awards (presented in Assembly), class award schemes and in-class reward programmes and in KS1 the red & green card reward system.
Rewarding and encouraging good behaviour avoids the need for sanctions and can be more effective than criticism and punishment.
At times it becomes necessary to apply sanctions. These can usually be a minor penalty, repeating work, lunchtime detention or loss of in-class privileges. More serious behaviour can lead to parent consultation, non-attendance on school trips, weekly/daily report or after school detention. Parents will always be given 24 hours notice before a child may be kept in school.
These sanctions are not imposed lightly and in accordance with the school's discipline and pastoral care policies we appreciate your support and reinforcement of these when necessary.
The Sculptors
I dreamed I stood in a studio
And watched two sculptors there
The clay they used was a young child's mind,
And they fashioned it with care.
One was a teacher, the tools she used
Were books and music and art;
One was a parent with a guiding hand
And a gentle, loving heart.
Day after day the teacher toiled
With touch that was deft and sure,
While the parent laboured by her side
And polished and smoothed o'er.
And when at last their task was done,
They were proud of what they had wrought;
For the things that had moulded into a child
Could neither be sold nor bought.
And each agreed they would have failed
If they had worked alone,
For behind the school stood the parent,
And behind the teacher, the home