Education Restart
Education Restart
Dear Parents
You will be aware that the Education Minister announced that social distancing has been relaxed to allow all pupils to return to school fulltime from 1st September. To allow this to happen, mitigating actions and procedures must be put in place to ensure the safety of all children and staff.
On 13 August “New School Day – Reopening Schools Guidance” was issued to outline the practicalities of a safe return for pupils and staff.
There is a lot of detail here in my letter, but all of the measures are important and are set out to try to reassure you of the safety measures being out in place before your children return.
The full 70-page document can be viewed on the DE website-
The measures advised by DE are as follows:
- Symptoms. Children displaying a temperature, cough or any symptoms should not be
sent to school. Should symptoms be displayed during the day, you will be contacted to collect your child immediately at the front door of the school.
School must be advised immediately if someone within the family household begins to display symptoms or has received a positive test result. Public Health isolation advice must be followed and children kept at home for the period advised.
- Protective Bubbles.
Protective bubbles will be used to split pupils into a consistent group / groups as far as is practicable. In Victoria Park, it is envisaged that a class will act as a single bubble with minimal prolonged interaction with other classes.
It is anticipated that schools will not be able to maintain bubbles during break and lunchtimes. Staggered breaks will take place to allow an outdoor year group bubble which will remain in their own area of the playground.
Hot meals will be provided in the School Dining hall. A third staggered sitting will take place. Two year group bubbles will be in the dining hall at any time but each class will remain in their own socially distanced rows. Year groups will not mix. Packed lunches will also go to the dining hall to eat their lunches and remain in their class bubble.
- Social Distancing.
Social distancing remains in place between adults at 2m and, as far as practicable, between pupils and adults.
- Hygiene and Hands.
Children will wash hands thoroughly on arrival at school in their own cloakrooms. Children must queue behind each and wash hands before entering the classroom. This will be repeated throughout the day. The importance of good respiratory hygiene should be discussed with your child and should follow the “Catch it, bin it, kill it” approach.
- Face Masks.
It is not recommended for children under 13 to wear face masks or PPE. Face coverings should not be worn by those who may not be able to handle them as directed nor by pupils with special educational needs who may become distressed.
Staff have been advised to wear masks and / or visors in adult to adult meetings or where 2m distancing is not possible. Staff who have underlying health issues and some pupils may wish to wear them during the school day and this is acceptable.
- Staggered start and finishing times.
To limit the numbers in the school grounds and avoid mass gatherings in playgrounds or around school area, pupils will arrive and leave at designated times. All pupils should go straight to their rooms via their outside doors. If they are late, they go directly to classroom doors – no children will be admitted via the front door.
Social distancing must be observed by all adults and children around the school grounds.
Additional signage will be evident as reminders inside and around the school grounds.
If your child must be accompanied to school, only one adult per family should bring them into the school area.
Where there are siblings, we ask that they arrive at the later slot together but all pupils must finish at their allocated time.
Doors will open 15 minutes before the designated starting time. Children should not be sent before this time.
Starting time |
Finishing time Mon - Thurs |
Finishing time Friday |
P1 |
9.30am |
Follow individual programme already issued |
9.00am |
2.00pm |
1.50pm |
9.10am |
2.10pm |
2.00pm |
9.00am |
3.00pm |
2.00pm |
9.10am |
3.10pm |
2.10pm |
9.20am |
3.20pm |
2.20pm |
9.20am |
3.20pm |
2.20pm |
As before, P1-P3 should be collected by one adult, directly from their classroom door. P4-P7 will be brought round in their line to the green gate and parents should collect from there. Children should not be called out of their line before being dismissed by their teacher at the front gate.
- Access to school building.
Parents cannot enter the school building. If you need to speak to a teacher, please ring the school office and the teacher will be advised to ring you at the end of their lessons. Alternatively, you may email the teacher and they will respond during school hours.
Please do not go to the school office unless it is absolutely necessary. Staff will not be able to accept items from you to be delivered to your child’s class. Money or notes should be given in class directly by your child.
One person at a time may enter the school to speak at the office. Others should queue 2m apart at the front and not enter until hall is clear. Hands should be sanitised before entering, using sanitising stands provided.
- Money
Loose money cannot be accepted. All money should be sealed in a school money pouch and given to the class teacher. Pouches can be purchased at the school office (£2). To reduce the handling of money, cheques will be accepted - made payable to “Victoria Park PS”.
Fruit and milk will begin on 1st September. Bills will follow on return.
- Pupils’ Stationery.
In light of the coronavirus situation and in order to minimise the risk of infection, we are asking all children to please provide the following items which will be kept in school for each child’s use. (All items are available in Poundland or similar store).
Please send items labelled with your child’s name to school in a disposable bag and they will be kept in children’s trays.
- 2 HB pencils
- White rubber
- Sharpener
- Colouring pencils or crayons
- Glue stick
- 30cm Ruler
- Whiteboard pens
- Highlighters
- Blue Berol Handwriting pens (P6 and P7 only). No ballpens please.
- Small individual hand sanitiser.
- Tissues
Packed lunches should be brought in disposable plastic bags.
Pencil cases, P1-P3 book bags nor P4-P7 school bags should be brought into school.
- Moving Around School.
Movement around the school will be reduced. Corridors will be divided to ensure single file movement in one direction.
- Classroom Layout.
Classrooms will be laid out with all pupils facing forward to reduce the risk of virus transmission. Spacing will be left, as far as possible between desks. Pupils will remain at their designated desk.
- Ventilation.
Opening of doors and windows will be encouraged to increase natural ventilation.
- Cleaning.
All cleaning will be carried out in line with PHA guidance. Routine cleaning takes place daily and regular cleaning of door handles, desk tops, etc will take place throughout the day.
- Pupil Behaviour
Any pupil who wilfully refuses to adhere to arrangements of social distancing or deliberately coughs or spits at pupils or staff, putting them at risk, will be excluded immediately.
- Contingency Plans.
Schools have been advised to contingency plan for the delivery of remote learning in the event of local or whole school closures, or should a class or group of pupils need to self-isolate.
Additional Measures put in place in Victoria Park to enhance safety:
- Money
Loose money cannot be accepted. All money should be sealed in a school money pouch and given to the class teacher. Pouches can be purchased at the school office (£2). To reduce the handling of money, cheques will be accepted - made payable to “Victoria Park PS”.
Fruit and milk will begin on 1st September. Bills will follow on return.
- Holidays – children who have been on holidays or travelled abroad to an area on the Government quarantine list must not return to school before the end of the recommended quarantine period. School should be advised of the quarantine and country visited.
- Sanitising areas will be available around the school.
- Where possible, outdoor activities and lessons will be encouraged.
- PE will take place outdoor only. PE shoes should be brought in a plastic bag, named, and will remain in school. PE kits will not be required yet.
- No Assembly, after school clubs, swimming or educational visits will take place.
- School Library will remain closed and reading books will not be sent home.
- As reading books, shared textbooks and resources cannot be used, homework will not begin yet. However, advice will be issued re the continued use of the Bug Club online reading scheme and Maths with Parents programme.
- Staff administering First Aid will be required to wear full PPE.
- Small screens or visors may be used by special needs staff working with individual children or small groups.
- Temperature checks may become necessary.
- Covid 19 testing is readily available for all school staff, if required.
Further measures will be put in place if required or advised by Public Health
At Victoria Park we will follow the guidance issued by the Education Minister. No one can remove completely the risk or worry that we all have at this time. We move from a long period of absence and social distancing into a new normal for us and our children altogether in one classroom. We are all in unknown territory. Please be assured that my team and I will endeavour to put in place every measure that we can to keep your child, your family, my staff and our families safe.
This is a very long list of rules and measures but it is important that these are adhered to by everyone to keep us safe and your continued patience and support is always appreciated. Please ring school if you have any concerns that you wish to discuss.
Kind regards,
Mrs A. Gourley.