Week beginning 1st Feb
Welcome to week 5 of home learning.
This week is Children’s Mental Health week so as a school we are doing things differently this week.
Mrs Adam’s has kindly put together activities for every day this week and if you follow the link below or go back to the home learning main page you will be able to get to the activities.
We have put together some additional or alternative activities for this week which you can find below.
We do still need photographic evidence to prove that you are engaging with school.
As always we are available by message or email.
Have a great week.
Every day, please tell me something that makes you happy.
Monday. What is your go to film to make you happy?
Tuesday. What is the favourite song you like to listen to?
Wednesday Where is the place you like to go to visit that makes you happy?
Thursday. Tell me a funny story, which when you think of it, makes you smile
Friday. Make a happy poster of all the things in your life that make you smile.
World Around Us
For WAU this week I am setting five challenges; one for each day; please try to complete the challenges and send us a photo of your achievement.
1. Build a den.
2. Build a tower as tall as you are from paper and tape or spaghetti and sweets.
3. Build a bridge (using similar materials to number 2) from one piece of furniture to another, in your house.
4. Read in an unusual place or unusual position.
5. Time yourself standing on your right leg for as long as possible. Then do the same for your left leg. Which is stronger?