Winter Wonderland Week 4
Our story this week is
Sneezy the Snowman
Use the Youtube link below to listen to the story.
Talk about the pictures and look for any sounds or words you know as you read.
Can you hear any rhyming words?
What made Sneezy melt?
Use the pages below to dress Sneezy and have a go at writing
The snowman is big underneath the picture.
Our sound for this week is
Start by revising all the sounds you have learnt so far using your sound cards.
Sing along with the 'l' song from Jolly Phonics (see link below).
Learn the action and practice saying the sound.
Can you think of any words that start with 'l'?
Complete the page for 'l' in your sound homework book.
Use this worksheet to practice writing l
Our new words for this week are
big little
Revise all the words you know so far either using your word cards or the balloon powerpoint.
Use these words to make sentences with other words you know eg
Kipper is little. Dad is big.
Play a game of Word Skittles
You might have some skittles at home or you can use empty plastic bottles or toilet roll tubes.
Write on or stick some of your words to them.
Use a ball and knock down the skittles.
Read the words on the skittles you knock down.
Additional Activity Ideas
Can you put the pictures in the right order?
Have a go at this fun snowman game.
Baking Fun- Melting Snowman Biscuits
Sneezy the Snowman loved his ice cream! Why not have a go at making your own Snowman Sundae?