Primary 6
Literacy comprehension Jan 2022
Week beginning 6th December
Week Beginning 22nd November Literacy Worksheets
Here are some activities for children who are having to self isolate.
World Book Day
For World Book Day this week we are doing Literacy in a different way, concentrating on reading.
Please make sure that you are keeping going with Bug Club and let Mr Gullen or I know when you need more books added.
Our class novel this half term is Cliffhanger by Jacqueline Wilson and if you click on the link below you will be able to follow along with each of the sections as I read them to you.
We would usually have read Wonder by now during the P6 school year.
As that hasn't been possible and I know that some children have already finished Cliffhanger, I have linked Wonder here for you.
It has been read by a variety of American teachers and librarians and I have uploaded the videos.
Hello P6. I know that we are nearly at the end of week 12 but if you still have any pictures or documents of Titanic projects, letters to say goodbye to your class mates, Titanic poems or Titanic disaster newspaper reports, please email them in and we will upload them here in the Literacy section.
For anyone wanting something to keep their brains working during the holidays we will be uploading summer booklets this weekend.
AQE practice paper videos
Please access the videos to help you through the P6 Maths section where you will find an AQE icon to click.
For those of you who have been following the excitement of SpaceX, here are links to the various news reports shown on CBBC Newsround. You can watch the reports linked here and then write your own news report. You can use the various science reports on the BBC news website to help you.
If you would like your news report to be published on our school website then send me your document (not a photograph) by email and I will put them up on the school website in the p6 section.
All you have to do is to complete your news report in a word document, attach it to an email and send it to me and I will publish here for both P6 classes.
I am looking forward to reading your reports.
Mrs McDougall
Message in a Bottle on C2k Newsdesk
To access the story you need to log into your own C2k account as you would in school. Click on the link and go to log in.
Log in as you would in school. Go to Newsdesk then search for Message in a Bottle.