Round & Round the Garden- Week 8
Our story this week is
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
by Michael Rosen
Listen to the story of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt using the video attached. Join in with the actions. Can you remember all the places the family had to go through? Can you think of any different sounds for the bear hunt? If you could search for an animal with your family what would you look for?
- We’re Going on a Word Hunt.
Take your teddy bear on a word hunt. Ask a family member to hide some of your word cards round the house or garden and see if you can find them. Remember to say each word when you find it.
- Use the paw prints below to set up your own bear hunt (or you could make your own paw prints) .
- Make bear claw cookies (see recipe below).
- Michael Rosen is the author of this book. He has written lots of children’s stories and poems. You might like to read them. You can find some of them on YouTube.