Week 6 (11.5.20)
- Weekly Literacy Information 11.5.20.docx
- Volcanoes.ppt
- Volcano Ordering Sentences (Buzzy Bees).docx
- Wonders of the World (Paricutin Volcano).pptx
- Paricutin Volcano Fact Sheet (Buzzy Bees).docx
- Northern Ireland and Mexico.pptx
- Compare Northern Ireland and Mexico (Buzzy Bees).docx
- Plan for Volcano News Report Script (Buzzy Bees).docx
- Volcano News Report Script (Buzzy Bees).docx
- Phonics 'pr' (Buzzy Bees).jpeg
- Volcano Acrostic Poem (Buzzy Bees).pdf
- Volcano Wordsearch (Buzzy Bees).pdf
- Make Your Own Volcano (Buzzy Bees).pdf
Google Earth Zoom across the Earth to reach the Paricutin Volcano in Mexico!
Dance Mat Typing Can you complete Level 3?