Senses Poetry
This week we are going to be looking at poetry that appeals to the senses.
Read ‘The Magic of the Brain’
Discuss how the poet feels about the things she describes in her poem.
Use a highlighter to indicate any patterns spotted, (for example, they might notice that the first and last line of each verse is similar within each verse; throughout the poem; the poet not only describes the object that she sees, hears, smells, feels and tastes, but also how it makes her feel etc.)
Read and watch video clip of ‘The Sound Collector’ by Roger McGough.
Produce a mind-map of things you associate with a colour, e.g. red – anger, blood, danger.
Read ‘Ears Hear’ poem.
Revise use of commas to punctuate lists.
Read ‘The Everything Pizza’ poem.
Ask the children what they like about the poem and what was memorable about it; what they notice about the poem; what patterns there were and what they know about the poet from reading the poem. Expect the children to record their thoughts.
Write a poem that appeals to the senses (either an original poem or one based on one of the poems from shared reading)
Write the 5 senses on the board and decide what you are going to incorporate into your poem.
• What can we smell?
• What can we taste?
• What can we feel?
• What can we see?
• What can we hear?
Choose a subject to base your poem on, for example:
• A season
• A food
• An emotion
• An object you can see at home.
Pupils can now write their own sense poem. Help them to choose their subject and allow them to refer to the senses you wrote on the board in the introduction.