Week 7
Hello P6!
It's hard to believe that this is our seventh week of home school. Hopefully you have all been able to get on with most of the tasks and have maybe even enjoyed some of them!
This week in maths we are using shapes and making patterns. We will be looking at tessellations, which are patterns that have no gaps between them. If you look around your house, your garden or your street you will see lots of tessellating patterns. I hope that you will learn something this week and will enjoy the chance to be creative.
Mental Maths week 29
Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday
For the work on pentominoes there are a number of sheets that are similar. Have a look at the sheets before you begin, as some of them have clues that will help you, so decide which of these sheets is right for you. You do not need to do every version of the same sheet and depending on how long you spend on the online activities, you may not get all the sheets done.
Before you start any of the sheets make sure that you have tried the first online activity.
Wednesday and Thursday
Today's problem should be fun. What pictures can you make using pentominoes? Can you make any tessellating patterns? Can you make any animal shapes?