Bananas and Apples
Week 1 - Literacy
Each week Mr Gullen and Mrs McDougall will upload some Literacy activities for you to do at home. These will be a mixture of online links and worksheets. You can complete the worksheets in your pink book, just as you do in school, or print out the worksheet.
Monday to Thursday you should complete the activity listed and on Friday complete the writing task.
If you have any spare time keep an eye out for an activity grid that will be uploaded soon.
Remember to also learn the spellings listed in the spelling folder. You should have your own spelling booklet to complete. If you do not, then email us at
and we will upload the spelling booklet sheets.
When you have completed this page and your Numeracy, go to the World Around Us section on the home learning zone. Don't forget to learn your spellings and to read on Bug Club.
For this week the Literacy recount activities are the same for all groups.
Suggested activities;
All week keep a diary. Try to make it interesting, writing about how you and your family are keeping safe and are keeping brains and bodies active. Use the diary template or record in your pink book. Add a picture.
Use the tips and word mat to help you.
Monday - Watch Recount Writing Powerpoint 1
Use the Recount Planner Page to plan a piece of writing about a memorable trip or school visit.
Tuesday - Watch Recount Writing Powerpoint 2
Read the Recount Writing example and compare your plan to the example.
Use the plan from Monday to write a recount of a memorable day trip or school visit.
Don't forget to use correct punctuation and to write in paragraphs. Check your spelling.
Wednesday - Pretend you are in the police and are investigating a crime.
Using the Blank Recount Writing Frame, plan what the crime was, what the victim told you,
how you investigated the crime and how you solved the crime.
Thursday - Using the Police Report Template write up yesterday's plan into clear case notes for a
police file.
Friday - writing task to follow.