Week 10- Week Beginning 15th March
The weighing of the heart ceremony
We learnt last week that Ancient Egyptians took the afterlife very seriously and a lot of work went into making sure people were properly prepared for the afterlife. The Weighing of the Heart Ceremony was how Ancient Egyptians believed they gained entry into the afterlife. They appeared in the Hall of Maat in front of all the gods and goddesses and their hearts were weighed against the feather of truth. If your heart was lighter than the feather you had lived a good life and you entered the afterlife, if it was heavier then you were eaten by The Devourer because you had led a wicked life!
There's lots more information on the websites below, have a look through these and see what you can find out. There are also some follow up activities. One asks you to label a picture of a ceremony and another asks you to think about your own good and bad points.
When you've had a go at the activities you can send them to your teacher on Seesaw.