Week beginning 11 Jan
Welcome to the second week of online learning.
As before we will set out the work each day step by step.
Please send me a message if you get stuck.
Monday WAU
Tuesday Literacy
Complete all of Unit 8.
Green box 1 and 2 write answers only.
Green box 3 write out matched singular and plural.
Purple box look up the answers online if you don't know them.
Blue box Do number 1 only.
Tuesday WAU
Look up what the Kenyan flag looks like. Draw and colour it.
Find out what each of the colours represent and what the symbols on the flag represent and write them underneath your drawing of the flag.
Kenyan flag
Today will be like your reading time in school. If you can find someone to read to please read them your book and ask them to ask you questions about it.
If you are on your own, use Bug Club and read a whole book and answer all of the questions about it.
Wednesday WAU
Thursday Literacy
Thursday WAU
Friday Literacy
Next week you are going to write a report about an African animal.
Choose an animal that you want to write about (make sure it is from the continent of Africa).
You can use one of the animals that you researched last week.
Use the template format to help you plan your report.
Research your animal and note down facts for each paragraph. Choose two or three subheadings and facts to write as paragraphs.
If you want to add extra paragraphs that is fine with me!
Remember this week it is only planning, writing the research notes not writing the paragraphs.