Maths activities
Hi P4 -Welcome Back. We hope you had a fun week off and got the batteries recharged! We would like to remind you that you should try to do 1 maths lesson a day and 1 literacy lesson a day. Then you use the weekly planner to learn spellings and tables and look at all the other ideas for P.E. , Art , WAU , Music and Technology. We really need you to send photos of your work to Seesaw for us to give you feedback. Sometimes the lessons will be interactive online lessons. Other times you will need pencil and paper to do the work, or you may have to play a game with a family member. Make sure you watch all the video links and Powerpoints with each lesson to help you. This week we will be looking at times tables and dividing sums. We will also keep working on our number bonds to 100. Lastly we will be revising adding and subtracting using HTO Keep working hard P4.
Lesson 2 is an online interactive lesson
Complete the activities on the 2 BBCBITESIZE links -
you will need paper & pencil
Lesson 3 - Can you draw arrays to show the times table sum?
Lesson 4: In P3 you began to look at dividing sums.
This means sharing into equal groups.
Watch the Dog Division Song and
Watch the BBCBITESIZE video and activity to remind you about dividing. Then do the worksheet to show you understand it.