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Persuasive Letters

This is the second of our two-week topic on persuasive writing.


On Wednesday, I would suggest that they watch the BBC Teach Class Clip and complete the BBC Bitesize activities. They should then use the planning sheet to make a list of arguments either for or against the children at Victoria Park wearing school uniform. They can only pick one side and they should write the argument on the left and supporting evidence on the right, e.g. argument - the uniform is uncomfortable; supporting evidence - it can make you very warm sometimes and the tie is very tight around your neck. If they have lots of ideas, they may need two copies of the planning sheet. They should keep their work safe as it will be very helpful for their writing activity next week.


On Thursday, they should watch the Oak National Academy lesson and then read the two persuasive letters. They then need to answer the comprehension questions. The answers are provided.


On Friday, they should read Billy's letter and the car park persuasive writing. They should then watch the Oak National Academy lesson. Some of the content isn't relevant to us but they should concentrate on the different persuasive techniques mentioned.

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