We know that at times this year, due to Covid-19, it has been difficult to feel connected to your child’s day to day classroom life. To help to try and improve this, we will be introducing an application called Seesaw. Seesaw in an innovative student led digital portfolio, which allows pupils to showcase their achievements across the curriculum by photographing and uploading evidence to their own personal account. This is then made available within their account once approved by their teacher. Once approved, parents who have registered on the Seesaw Family app can then view and comment on their child’s work, helping them to celebrate success. We hope that this will also allow you to feel much more connected to your child’s classroom, give you an insight into their work, will improve quick and effective communication between home and school and will help your child grow in confidence.
The Seesaw Family app also has a home school communication feature which allows parents and teachers to easily communicate with each other, similar to text messaging. This will work alongside our existing School App service which will still be used for whole school announcements such as large school events or Covid-19 updates so please ensure you remain registered on this. Seesaw has the additional benefit of allowing two way communication that is quick and easy. Obviously teachers will not always be able to read these messages throughout the school day, so it is important that any urgent matters are communicated through the school office as normal. Teachers will respond to messages as soon as they can within working hours.
A key element of this application is the fact that it is student led. This means that teachers will rarely upload samples to the portfolio daily, rather the onus is on pupils to upload work which they are proud of and want to showcase as their success. This may mean that there will be some time between when work is uploaded, but this should not be seen as worrying, rather be rest assured that your son/daughter is continuing to work hard until they have their final piece of work which they want to showcase.
We will be sending you instructions of how to download the Seesaw app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. These instructions will also include a unique code which will be emailed to you on Wednesday this week to enable you to connect with your son/daughter’s account. Please only share this code with adults with parental responsibility for the named child as it will give them access to your child’s account and do not share it on social media.
We hope that introducing Seesaw will help you feel more connected with your child’s daily classroom life and strengthens our home school partnership. Seesaw invite codes will be emailed by class teachers on Wednesday so please keep an eye out for this email and I would encourage you to register as soon as you can when you receive this.
If you have any queries regarding the introduction of Seesaw, please speak to your son or daughter’s class teacher.
The video below takes you on a quick tour of the Seesaw Family app.