Victoria Park Primary School

'Living to Learn, Learning to Live'

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Week 1 (23.3.20)

Hello there boys and girls!

This week we will be working on TIME and counting on in tens.

I have given you two PowerPoints to remind you of our TIME learning and to show your helpful adult what we have been doing in school.

You can write out the work in the notebooks we sent home for literacy and numeracy last week. If you were not in, don't worry, use some paper or a notebook of your own. Please write the long date at the top of each page eg Monday 23rd of March 2020 and sign your work each day using your first name and your surname. I look forward to seeing your work when we all get back to school.

You were also sent home with a clock face. Maybe your helpful adult can ask you to show them a certain time and you can make it on the clock. if you didn't get a clock home - you could make one on the back of a cereal box. Work with your clock a few minutes each day. You will soon be experts.

From Mrs Thom

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