Winter Wonderland Week 2
Our story for this week is
Penguin Small
Listen to the story using the YouTube link below.
Talk about the pictures and look for words you know as you read it.
What's your favourite part of the story?
Can you describe the characters?
Have a go at drawing a picture of Penguin Small and write the sentence 'I am small'. An adult can write the word 'small' for you to copy.
Our new sound for this week is
Start by practising all the sounds we have learnt so far using your sound cards.
Sing along with the 'o' song from Jolly Phonics (see link below).
Learn the action and practice saying the sound.
Complete the second page in your sound homework book.
Can you think of any sounds that start with 'o'?
You might like to play this sound game.
Stepping Stones
Place your sounds on the floor. Ask an adult to call out a sound for you to jump to. Take turns to call out a sound.
Use this Powerpoint to remind you how to write the sounds correctly.
Our new word for this week is
Start by revising all the words you know so far using your word cards or the Balloon Powerpoint (see week Beginning 4/1/21).
Introduce our new word 'got'.
Can you put it in a sentence? Practice writing it.
Write 'got' on a piece of paper.
Cut the word into 3 pieces g - o - t.
Our new sound 'o' is the middle sound.
Can you put the pieces back in the right order to make the word?
Why not try this with some of the other words you know.
Practice reading the words you know using the link below.
Optional Activities Ideas
Ice play
Freeze some of your small toys in a cup or bowl of water.
Investigate ways of helping them escape eg by putting the ice in warm water, adding salt etc