Victoria Park Primary School

'Living to Learn, Learning to Live'

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Week beginning 18 Jan

Welcome to week 3 for this home learning time. Thank you to everyone sending in work.

When completing work remember to use your joined up writing and pen for at least half of your work so that you do not lose your skills.

Remember to send us messages if you need help or further explanation.

Please check Seesaw at least once a day for any communication.


On Monday we are going to start with your Collins grammar work. 

We are learning to use speech marks also called inverted commas. It is essential that you read the explanation part before starting the written work because you may have to include commas as well as inverted commas and you need to check about where to place the speech marks in the sentences. 

Please write out the sentences on your page, adding the inverted commas and any other punctuation needed.

Use the links from the document to watch film clips about children called Evangeline and Nana who live in Kenya.

Using the film clips and your own knowledge of your school day, complete the chart on the other document.

Remember to ask if you get stuck.

Tuesday WAU drawing houses in Kenya


Today will be your reading time.

If you have someone to read to then please read them your book and ask them to ask you questions about it.

Or complete all of the reading and activities for one of your Bug Club books.

Using the timetable of a day in a Kenyan school, answer the questions.

Maasai houses activity

Friday example of how to set out a report and checklist to help you


Write a report about an African animal.

Remember to use subheadings to explain what each paragraph is about.

Take a new paragraph for each section.

Use your plan from last week to help you.

Draw a picture of your animal to include in your report.

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