Equality Policy
Equality Policy
Victoria Park Primary School Equality Scheme
The Human Rights Act 1998 brought the European Convention on human rights into local law. It places obligations on public bodies to respect the rights contained in the Convention. Human Rights laws aim to protect human dignity and inherent in them are the values of fairness, tolerance and proportionality. The Human Rights Act extends the right to life regardless of race, religion or any disability.
The school has a responsibility for the protection of Human Rights for adults and children while in its care. Teachers and other adults are obliged to uphold the law and all our school pastoral policies reflect this ethos.
In Victoria Park we continue to revise and review our policies in the light of new government legislation.
The Act states that no person should be denied the right to education, which is in keeping with a person's needs and access to existing facilities. In addition to Curriculum Policies Victoria Park Primary School has a number of Pastoral Care policies, which reflect a caring ethos and the Department of Educations Guidance in these matters. These include in particular:
- Child protection, discipline, use of reasonable force, encouraging anti bullying, health & safety and Drugs policies.
In Victoria Park we aim to protect the individual's rights in providing a disciplined environment where all complaints are investigated, treated with sensitivity and dealt with in an appropriate manner.
School Curriculum
It is the government's role to determine the content of the NI Curriculum. In Victoria Park the DENI Guidelines are reflected in the content of all subjects taught. The teaching is followed by regular assessment and statutory testing.
Teachers do take the opportunities afforded in their lessons to reinforce the Human Rights' issues as defined in the act. If parents have legitimate cause for requesting a child to opt-out of a lesson such as PE or swimming their wishes are respected.
Religious Education
The teaching of Religious Education and the school assemblies reflect the contents of the NI RE Syllabus. However parents are given the option to withdraw from religious lessons and worship. Victoria Park does respect differing religious convictions.
The school has a uniform suitable for both boys and girls and the wearing of this is encouraged. The Governors have approved the dress code and this includes a statement regarding the non-acceptance of clothing displaying badges or emblems.
Admission Policies
The school's admission policy has been approved by the BOG and reflects everyone's right of admission up to the school's class capacity and DENI's admission numbers.
Discipline Policy
The school's policy on discipline continues to be reviewed and revised to meet the needs of the pupils Parents are kept fully informed of incidents, which cause concern. Consistency with discipline is encouraged along with acknowledgement of individual needs such as pupil age or medical background.
Dealing with a violent pupil involved contact with parents and an agreement on consequences. This policy is also applied if detention needs to be considered. The school has a policy on the Use of Reasonable Force and if restraint is necessary a record of the incident is kept. Parents have been issued with this information.
Behaviour/Special Needs Programmes
Any child involved in a support programme does so with parental consent. The child is considered at review time and their opinion is part of this process.
The Governors and Staff of the school are fully committed to the legislation as laid down in the Human Rights Act 1998, which came into force in 2000. The school is especially anxious to conform to the recommendation, which relate to the school ethos. The relevant legislation will be kept in mind especially when policies are under review.