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Non-Chronological Report

How to write reports with BBC Sport | English - Facts about Non-Fiction

Suitable for 5-14s.Sports journalist Sonali Shah explains how to write an engaging non-chronological sports report. From a series of BBC clips teaching key w...


Read the non-chronological report about France, discuss features e.g. use of sub-headings, present tense, subject specific language etc.

Choose a European country to research and plan an introduction. 



Read a report about towns and cities in Germany. Look at other things that can be included in a report such as images, maps, graphs, fact boxes etc

Create a list of possible sections/sub headings for your individual reports.


Read report about landscape and climate in Greece.

Re-cap on features of non-chronological reports.

Begin to add more detail to your Europe non chronological report.



Read report about natural resources in Sweden. Draw up a list of success criteria for their own non-chronological reports.


Write a non-chronological report about a European country using either:



1. The template below (hand written)

2. Microsoft word (word document to include pictures)

3. Microsoft Powerpoint (presentation) 


We cant wait to see your finished products. 

Remember to share these with us via seesaw or email

Mrs McKnight -

Mrs Ryden -


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