Week 1 (23.3.20)
Dear Boys and girls,
We have been learning about TIME in school and so your first few activities are to write down the times shown on the clocks. You can write it in your new home numeracy book. Write the full date at the top of each page eg. Monday 23rd of March 2020 and sign your work at the end with both your first name and your second name. We will look forward to seeing your work when you get back to school. If you missed getting a book and a clock, don't worry you can do your work in your own book or on some paper. If you missed getting a clock home you can make your own from a cereal box.
Mental Maths
- Count in 1's to 50
- Write the numbers 1-20
- Ask your helpful adult to give you a time o'clock, half past to make and show them on your clock
Hi boys and girls
Hope you are having a go at the work we have put up for you. Today I have put on 'Maths with parents' a little video and some activities you might find fun. (2 digit place value). Maybe you can make some groups of ten using grapes like the boys and girls in the video or use some things you can find in your house. lego bricks - you can make some big numbers!
Send me a pic of your work if you can. My email address is athom316@c2kni.net
from Mrs Thom