Grammar and Punctuation
LI: write a newspaper report.
Work through 'Learn' and 'Practice' sections, completing Activities 1 and 2.
Finish off by completing Mondays worksheet below.
Book Club: The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken
LI: find information from a text and summarise a character.
Work through 'Learn' and 'Practice' sections, completing Activities 1 and 2.
Finish off by completing Tuesdays worksheet below.
LI: analyse and perform a poem.
Work through 'Learn' and 'Practice' sections, completing Activities 1 and 2.
Finish off by completing Wednesdays worksheet below.
LI: use assonance, onomatopoeia and alliteration in poetry.
Work through 'Learn' and 'Practice' sections, completing Activities 1 and 2.
Finish off by completing Thursdays worksheet below.
LI: to write limericks and clerihews.
Work through 'Learn' and 'Practice' sections, completing Activities 1 and 2.
Finish off by completing Fridays worksheet below.