Week 7 - Week Beginning 22nd February
I hope you have all had a restful break and are feeling ready for this week’s home learning tasks. In Literacy this week we’re finding out about the gods and goddesses that the Ancient Egyptians believed in. The Egyptians took religion very seriously and their gods and goddesses were very important to them. You’ll need to do lots of research about their religious beliefs and remember the information well so that on Friday you can write a Factfile all about an Ancient Egyptian god or goddess. There are also activities in the WAU section that will support your learning. Alongside this, our grammar focus is on using the correct tense- past, present or future. As always there are a mixture of online and written activities. Try to do as many as you can and don’t forget to send your work to your teachers via Seesaw or email.
Day 1- Online Activity 1 and Written Activity 1
Day 2- Online Activity 2 and Written Activity 2
Day 3- Online Activity 3 and Written Activity 3
Day 4- Online Activity 4 and Written Activity 4
Day 5- Online Activity 5 and Written Activity 5
Remember if you need any help at all with your work then please get in touch with your teacher. Have a great week!