Week Three
Week 3 – Literacy
We hope you had a lovely Easter break and are ready to get back to some home learning. Mr Bleakley and Miss Boyd were both really impressed by all your hard work before Easter, and we hope that this will continue as we start a new term.
As a reminder, your work will be a mix between some online links and some worksheets. You can complete the worksheets on paper, just like you would in school, or you are free to print these if you need to. On Monday – Thursday you should complete one activity a day from those listed below and then on Friday, complete the writing task. If you have any spare time, choose an activity from the Literacy Challenge Grid from the week 1 page. Remember to also learn the spellings listed below too. When you have completed this page, go the World Around Us section on the home learning zone and try one task from the Egypt Learning Grid – we will be moving onto our new topic very soon.
This week we will be continuing with our work on Charlotte’s Web, with chapter 7. This week our focus is adverbs. This week’s writing activity is all around journeying through the tomb of Tutankhamun. The online links below will help with this. Please make sure you are continuing to check your writing to remove any silly errors you can find.
Have a great week P5!