Round & Round the Garden- Week 2
The story for this week is
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Listen to the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar using the video attached or you can read the story if you have the book at home. Talk about the pictures and look for words you know as you read it. What’s your favourite part of the story? Can you name some of the food the hungry caterpillar ate ? Can you remember what the hungry caterpillar ate on the different days?
Activities -
Draw the different food the hungry caterpillar ate each day. Have a go at labelling the food if you can.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar pencil play
Eric Carle is the author of this book. He wrote lots of other children's stories. Next week we will read another one of his stories, The Bad Tempered Ladybird. You might like to listen to some of his other stories as well. You can find these on YouTube by searching for The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other Stories.
More Activity Ideas-
*Build the Hungry Caterpillar and a butterfly using Lego
*Make some Hungry Caterpillar snacks
*Try some caterpillar or butterfly craft. Here are some ideas.
Sound revision
This week revise the sounds
g o u
Make sure your child can say the sounds. Practise writing the sounds on a page or whiteboard.
*Use chalk to write your sounds outside. Ask someone in your family to call out a sound. Find the sound and use a water gun, spray, watering can or jug of water to make the sound disappear.
*Use the Jolly Phonics songs to help.
*Watch Mr Thorne Does Phonics or Alphablocks
Word Building
Use your sound cards
s a t p i n c k e h r m d g o u
Can you build the words:
cot got gun run top pot rot not mum sun
Word grid and instructions are below.
If you can't print the word grid out, just ask your child to draw it on paper or a whiteboard.
If you want to make this activity a little harder, encourage them to write the words rather than using their word cards.
Wordbuilding cut and stick worksheets for o and u
New words for this week:
play to
*Can you put the words in a sentence.?
*Paint the words or use rainbow colours to write the words.
*Sort your words into the number of letters they have eg put all words with 3 letters together. Which set has the most/ fewest words? How many can you read in each set?