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Week 4 - Week Beginning 25th January

Week 4- Literacy

This week in Literacy our focus is on using abbreviations and letter writing. We don’t often write letters anymore but on the rare occasion that I get a hand-written letter in the post it always makes me smile. Unfortunately, all the letters I seem to get these days are bills!


Each day we would like you to complete the following activities:

Monday- Online Activity 1 and Written Activity 1

Tuesday- Online Activity 2 and Written Activity 2

Wednesday- Online Activity 3 and Written Activity 3

Thursday- Online Activity 4 and Written Activity 4

Friday- Online Activity 5 and Written Activity 5


On Monday you should Read the PowerPoint called ‘A letter from Gran’. This will explain what a letter should look like. After that have a go at Written Activity 1. Read the letter from Gran and answer the questions based on it.

On Tuesday we introduce abbreviations. We use abbreviations when we are writing as it makes it quicker to write. It’s important that everyone understands what you mean when you use an abbreviation so there are standard abbreviations which you must learn. Read through the PowerPoint (Online Activity 2) first and then do the written activity 2.

Wednesday’s task is all about address writing. It is important that you know your own address in case you need to tell a member of the Emergency Services where you can be found if there has been an accident. Use your abbreviation knowledge to help you address the envelopes. In case you need it, our school address is:

Victoria Park Primary School,

182a Connsbrook Avenue,



You can use abbreviations, though!

In the online activity you must pair up the abbreviation with the long form of the word. Some of the words will be different from Tuesday’s words so see if you can work them out. Abbreviations like lb (pound) and oz (ounce) are really helpful if you’re a keen baker!

On Thursday practise your spellings a little more with the spelling activities and find out more about Letter writing ahead of Friday’s task.

Finally, on Friday we would like you to write a letter- you choose who to. I’ve uploaded a sample layout, but you can just write it on a sheet of paper. I’ve also uploaded a word mat to help you with key words. You could write a letter to a family member, your teacher, a friend in your class or a famous person. Tell them what you’ve been getting up to this week and include a few questions, so they have a reason to write back to you. You could even post it!

Remember to share your work with your teacher on Seesaw or by email. As always if you have any questions during the week then get in touch with us.

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