Week 2 - 30/3/20
Remember to check out the videos and activities on Maths with Parents. Email a teacher if you need any help getting signed up to it. We are really enjoying seeing the kids work and getting updates on how they are getting on.
Topic: Mass
Practical: Find food items with different weights. Ask your child to compare two items and guess which is heavier and which is lighter.
A good way to introduce children to weight is to bake with them. Here is a simple recipe for fairy buns.
Topic: Numbers 20 and beyond - Lesson 1
Mental maths: Count forwards in 10s to 100
Website: Counting in tens song
Worksheet: Cut and stick counting in tens
Topic: Numbers to 20 and beyond - Lesson 2
Mental maths: count forwards to 20 from different starting numbers
Website: Numberblocks - Ten's Place
Worksheet: Sorting 12 and 13
Topic: Numbers to 20 and beyond - Lesson 3
Mental maths: Count backwards from 20
Website: Topmarks Teddy Numbers
New Learning: All about 14 powerpoint
Worksheet: All about 14
Topic: Numbers to 20 and beyond - Lesson 4
Mental maths: counting backwards from different starting numbers within 20
New learning: All about 15 powerpoint
Worksheet: Sorting 14 and 15 worksheet
Website: Helicopter Rescue