Monday - Today we will be remembering all the SUCCESS Criteria we need to Add & Subtract HTO successfully. After each short video you will need to do 2 sums in your book - the teacher will write these on the board
Remember to record you success criteria each time - what you need to remember!
Triangles you will be watching the first short Youtube videos and then trying some column addition in your books - see the worksheet
Monday Lesson 1 Triangles worksheet - use Diennes to help you
Tuesday Worksheet - The calendar
Wednesday Follow up worksheets
Wednesday Follow up Time worksheets
Thursday Worksheet on arrays for Triangles
Friday Test/Quiz Time
As a whole class recap over Key words from this week
Think about the star words and their meanings
On your Whiteboards write the answers to the quiz.
Then the whole class can do the quiz using a majority vote
How well did you do?