Victoria Park Primary School

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As with perimeter, we last looked at area in detail back in October.  The children need to be able to calculate the area of rectangles, triangles and compound shapes.  You could spend a day on each as follows:


Area of rectangles

Complete the BBC Bitesize activity and watch the Corbettmaths video to remind them how to calculate the area of rectangles (including squares).  They should then complete at least one of the Area of Rectangle worksheets.  Squares should do at least the one with one star at the bottom; Triangles and Circles should do at least the one with two stars.  Some Circles could do the one with three stars if they are confident with long multiplication.  They should also answer as many of the Corbettmaths questions as possible.


Area of triangles

Complete the BBC Bitesize activity and watch the Corbettmaths video to remind them how to calculate the area of triangles.  Squares and Triangles should then complete Area of Triangles Worksheet 1 and Circles should complete Area of Triangles Worksheet 2.  They should then answer as many of the Corbettmaths questions as possible.


Area of compound shapes

Watch the first three minutes of the Corbettmaths video (they can watch the rest of it if they want to but it starts to cover compound shapes that they will look at in their next school).  They should then complete at least two of the Area of Compound Shapes worksheets.  Squares and Triangles should do at least the ones with one star at the bottom; Circles should do at least the ones with two stars.


Calculating area of rectangles

Corbettmaths Primary

Calculating the area of triangles


Calculating the area of compound shapes

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