Activities for Week Beginning 20/4/20
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff Maths Activity
Use play dough to make the three goats. Put them in order of size - small, middle sized, big. Talk about which goat is bigger than/ smaller than the other goats. Point to the big/ middle sized/ small goat. Which goat is the biggest/ smallest goat?
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Estimating and Predicting
Number revision
- Watch Numberblocks no.4
- Practise formation of number 4.
- Make groups of 4 objects from around the house or outside in the garden
- Use your 1-20 numberline from week 2 and find number 4. What number comes before/ after 4? Can you find a number that is more than 4/ less than 4. Find 1 more/ 1 less than 4.
- Practise number after/before? within 10. Go up to 20 if able. Can you try this without using your numberline?
Revision of 2D Shapes
- Watch Numbertime Shapes Together