Week 6 - 11/05/20
Topic: Adding 3 single digits
Mental maths: Robot addition game - adding 2 numbers
Practical: Teddy Bear's Picnic: Adding 3 amounts of food to see how many teddy eats altogether. Can you create your own picnic for teddy? Adding 3 amounts of food each time - 2 cookies+5 grapes+3 blueberries=10 pieces of food for teddy
Worksheet: Adding 3 dice
Extra: Use dice or dartboard to generate 3 single digits to add.
Topic: Adding a single digit to a two digit number
Mental maths: Counting on from any 2 digit number within 100. Have a cup and some counters(anything that makes a noise as you drop it into the cup) Tell the child the imaginary amount in the cup and then get them to close their eyes. Drop counters into the cup one at a time for the child to count on. Can they tell you how many altogether? (e.g. I start with 32 in the cup. As I drop counters into the cup get the child to count along 33,34,35,36... There was 32 plus 4 counters dropped in so there are 36 counters altogether)
Website: Bingo addition - TU+U - not crossing the tens
Worksheet: Use the online spinner to create 2 digit numbers to add to the single digits
Topic: Subtract ones from a 2 digit number
Mental maths: Spin the online spinner. Count back from that number.
New Learning: Subtracting PowerPoint
Worksheet: Subtracting using tens and ones
Website: Helicopter Rescue
Topic: Ways to make 10p
Mental maths: Adding amounts in the piggy bank
Website: BBC Bitesize - Counting money: Making 10p
Worksheet: Cut out coins to create different ways to make 10p
Topic: How much is 20p, 50p and £1 equal to?
Mental maths: Count the 10ps. Coins - How much? - Just 10ps
Practical: Roll a dice count out that many 10ps. Once you have 10 10ps it can be swapped for a £1. The person with the most £1 coins at the end wins. Reinforce that they need 10 10ps to swap for a pound coin.
Worksheet: Colour the number of 10ps to equal the amount