Complete newspaper report
Good Morning P6 and welcome to week 9 of our Home Learning.
This week we are continuing to learn about writing a newspaper report and on Friday we will use the plan from last week to write our newspaper report about the Titanic disaster. Remember that there are different angles from which to write the newspaper article; Who, What, Where, When, Why and How?
We are also revising words with silent letters.
Please keep in touch and contact us by email if you need any help.
Remember to send us photos or emails of all of your work.
When you complete your news report about the Titanic disaster, I will publish your report here on our P6 website.
All you have to do is to complete your news report in a word document, attach it to an email and send it to me and I will publish here for both P6 classes.
I am looking forward to reading your reports.
Mrs McDougall