Victoria Park Primary School

'Living to Learn, Learning to Live'

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The children are going to revise the two different methods for long multiplication (multiplying a number with two or more digits by another number with two or more digits) today and tomorrow: the standard column multiplication method and the grid method. They should watch the Corbettmaths video on the standard column multiplication method from the 1:30 mark and then the second video on the grid method. The standard method is the one most children (and parents!) are probably used to but we are massive fans of the grid method as well and less confident children may find it easier to master. It doesn't matter which one they use as the main thing is to find a method they can use confidently (or show off and use both!). They should complete the sums on the worksheet or on paper. If they are using the grid method, they will have to do their work on paper as they will need space to draw the grids.

Long Multiplication Using the Column Method

Long Multiplication Using the Grid Method

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