Round & Round the Garden- Week 3
The story for this week is
The Bad Tempered Ladybird
Listen to the story using the video attached or you can read the story if you have the book at home. Talk about the pictures and look for words as you read it.
What's your favourite part of the story? Can you name some of the animals the ladybird met?
Draw the bad tempered ladybird. Get an adult to draw a speech bubble for you or draw your own if you can. Can you write something the ladybird would say in it eg 'I am bad' 'Look. I am cross'.
Make stick puppets of the animals from the story using the resource below or draw your own.
You can use the puppets to-
* Retell the story in your own words.
* Sequence the animals in the order they appear in the story.
* Play Kim's Game with your child (great for improving their memory)-
- Spread the puppets out on a table or the floor.
- Point to each animal and encourage your child to name it.
- Place a towel or blanket over to hide them.
- Remove one without your child seeing what it is.
- Now remove the teatowel and ask your child to name the missing animal.
- To make this harder remove more animals each time.
Why not check out some of Eric Carle's other stories on Youtube. The Very Clumsy Click Beetle is another favourite of ours!

Sound Revision
This week revise the sounds
l f b
Make sure your child can say these sounds. Use the Jolly Phonics songs to help.
Watch Alphablocks or Mr Thorne does phonics.
Practise writing them on a page or whiteboard.
Use your finger to draw a sound on a family members back.
Can they guess which sound it is? Take turns to draw or guess.
Word Building
Use the sound cards
s a t p i n c k e
h r m d g o u l f b
Can you build the words:
fit bin log bat fan leg fin bag bug lit
Word grid and instructions are below.
If you can't print the word grid out, just draw it on paper or a whiteboard.
If you want to make this activity harder, encourage your child to write the sounds rather than use the word cards.
Have a go at the word building cut and stick attached below
New word for this week is
Can you put the word in a sentence?
Use your word grid to word build not.
How many words can say that rhyme with not?
cot bot dot got hot jot lot pot rot tot
Have a go at word building them on your word grid.
More Activity Ideas
* What's your favourite animal from the story. Can you draw it, label it and find out some facts about it?
* Make some ladybird biscuits. You can make your own biscuits or use Digestives or Rich Tea. Decorate using icing, red food colouring and a black icing pen.
* Have a go at ladybird potato stamps (see link below)
* Make a home for a ladybird using junk/craft materials or construction toys eg lego.
* Make a paper plate ladybird (see Powerpoint below).
* Paint stones to look like ladybirds- make great garden decorations!