Maths activities
22.02.21 maths
18.01.21 Maths work
11.01.21 Be sure to watch the powerpoints and Youtube videos to help you with maths
There will be one maths lesson a day. Each lesson will have a powerpoint or educational video to outline key learning points. All work this week will be revision of our work so far in P4. You can either print out the worksheets or copy onto a page.
Here are some games to play with a family member
Rounding Song
math #roundingA fun song I wrote for my 2nd and 3rd grade math students to help teach about rounding to the nearest ten. Hope you enjoy
Count by Odd Numbers & Exercise | Counting Song for Kids | Skip Counting Odd Numbers | Jack Hartmann
Odd numbers will always end with 1,3,5,7,or 9 Exercise with Jack and count by odd numbers and learn the trick that odd numbers always end in 1, 3,5,7 or 9Lyr...