Victoria Park Primary School

'Living to Learn, Learning to Live'

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Number Day

A few photos from our Number Day before half-term to raise money for the NSPCC.

P1 played 'What’s the Time Mr Wolf?' and hopscotch in the playground. They collected leaves, sticks and acorns and then compared them to see which there were more or less of. They also counted them and recorded the results in a table with Miss Tate. During PE they played Number Pong, skittles, an action game using the dice and a number target game.

P2 were completing number challenges in the hall. They had to throw ping pong balls into numbered cups and then double the number they land in. The children bowled skittles down and completed subtraction sums from 10. We rolled a large dice and children had to do different actions linked to each number. At the fourth station the children were given a sum and had to throw a beanbag onto the correct numbered lily-pad. In the afternoon, they looked at how many tens and ones made up numbers to 50 using a range of different materials.

P3 used their maths skills to get the right dinner numbers to the office. They also played dice and lily pad games.

P4 made posters about numbers and then measured using Dienes and rulers.

P7 enjoyed playing games of the number round from 'Countdown'!

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