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Assessment Policy





Assessment Policy











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     Victoria Park Primary









Assessment Policy

Updated 2020







Victoria Park Primary School

April 2020

Assessment Policy


Policy Statement


Teachers at Victoria Park Primary School recognise that systematic and continuous assessment is an integral part of the learning and teaching process.  We comply with statutory assessment requirements and agreed internal indicators to ensure progress, continuity and progression for each pupil:  We celebrate each child’s strengths and successes with respect of the attainment targets and statements of attainment set out in the Northern Ireland Curriculum. We involve pupils in their own learning and encourage them to reflect on their achievement and have high personal expectations. We ensure that we keep all relevant parties informed of progress and statutory tests results by complementing ongoing parental discussion with interviews, examples of best work and pupil profile at the end of the year.


What is assessment?


Assessment is a general term that refers to the ways in which pupils or groups of individuals are appraised. It may involve a broad appraisal including many sources of evidence and aspects of pupil knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes on a particular occasion or test. An assessment may be formal (standardised or statutory) or informal for producing information about pupils e.g. a class test, quiz or a practical activity.


Why do we assess?



So that we can recognise the strengths and weaknesses of pupils and take appropriate steps.



To identify pupils achievement and plan the next steps.



So that overall achievements of pupils may be recorded in a systematic way and at a particular time e.g. end of year reporting to parents, records of achievement or pupil profiles.



So that the information gained about pupil achievement informs curriculum development, planning resource decisions and target setting.



How do we assess?


The achievement of pupils is monitored through:

Systematic teacher observation.

Teacher interaction with groups or individuals.

Written work – class work, test or IT.

Pupil self-assessment.

Pupil level tracking.


Statutory Requirements


Pupil assessment at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2.


Pupils are assessed in Year 4 and Year 7 to provide an end of Key Stage level for numeracy and literacy.  ICT will become statutory in September 2016.


Non-Statutory Requirements


Standardised Tests

Class teachers administer standardised tests in early Spring. They are analysed to:

  • Identify strengths and areas of weakness.
  • Identify areas of class learning that need improvement.
  • Identify children who may have learning difficulties.
  • Select ability groups, including amber groups.
  • Identify children who may be underachieving.
  • Inform planning.
  • Set class, group or individual targets.
  • Track children’s performance across year groups.


Standardised Tests 2017/18


Year Group








Bury Infant Check




Reading NOW






CAT 4 Pre – Level A

Pass 1





Pass 2





Pass 2



PTE 10


Pass 2


PTM 11

PTE 11


Pass 2


Results are kept on Assessment Manager on, and in a folder in Central Resources.

Pupil Tracking


Pupil levels for Literacy, Numeracy and ICT are assessed three times a year and recorded on a class teaching sheet.


Underachieving Children


Children who have been identified as underachieving, in either PTM or PTE, will be provided with an individual plan.


Pupil Samples of Work


Three samples of writing and problem solving are collected and levelled for each child, during the year. Teachers will complete a pupil transfer form to provide up to date information on that child.  The school uses the CEFR to assess the pupils as appropriate. Assessment tasks are completed in IT each term and saved in the Public Library.




See schools marking policy.


End of Term Evaluations


Teachers evaluate their topics at the end of each term. This evaluation of learning outcomes is used to inform future planning.


Additional Assessment Materials


  • Maths Mastery end of unit assessment tests.
    These are currently used in P1-P4 but will eventually used with every class as the scheme extends to include all the year groups.
  • Dyslexia screener
    This comes as part of the schools’ digital test package. It can be used from P4- P7 who has completed the PTE test. This is not a diagnostic test but can highlight children who may need further investigation.





Assessment for Learning


Teachers at Victoria Park Primary School recognise that an important attribute for all learners is the ability to recognise their own achievements.  Without this, learning is always dependent on someone else’s view. Pupils are encouraged to become independent learners who are able to judge their own learning needs and set targets for themselves.


Opportunities for self-assessment in the classroom arise in a number of ways.


  1. Where appropriate, pupil marking own work as it is completed, with the pupil adding their own evaluative comments.
  2. End of topic reflective reviews.
  3. Peer assessment.
  4. Reflection on success criteria.
  5. Self-evaluation prompts on display or in work books (see C2k).
  6. Traffic light system for younger children and for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children on maths work.


Self-Assessment is facilitated when teachers ensure that –


  1. Lesson objectives and success criteria are made clear to pupils.
  2. Learning intentions are shared with pupils.
  3. Pupils are encouraged to talk about their work.



This is where a one to one time with the teacher to discuss the child’s work in either maths or literacy.




Private 1/Policies/assessment policy Jan 2018


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