Victoria Park Primary School

'Living to Learn, Learning to Live'

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Activities for week beginning 30/3/20

Can you grow your own beanstalk?


Plant a dried pea or bean in a small pot.  Remember to water it and make sure it gets plenty of sunlight. How tall will your beanstalk grow?


We'd love to see how you get on- 

smiley Email a photo of you with your beanstalk to your teacher smiley 

How to grow a bean plant

Watch this video to learn how to grow a bean plant!

'Plant a Bean' Dance

Can you learn the song and dance?

Sequencing Activity


If you can, print out page 1 and 2 from the link below.  Encourage your child to cut out the pictures on page 2 and stick them in the right order on page 1. 

If you don't have access to a printer, look at the pictures on screen and encourage your child to tell you the order of the pictures.

Peppa Pig - Gardening

Watch Peppa and George learn all about gardening from Grandpa Pig.

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